Spring is in the Air 2019


Living With Harmony
Spring 2019 Newsletter 

After the late, record-breaking snow this week in Colorado, spring is finally here!  We are loving all of the outdoor events and hope you all have been enjoying the warm weather as well. 

We have a few things to talk about, such as our new mission statement and logo, but first...

let's talk about our latest rescue.

Welcome, Chester!

As some of you know, we had recently rescued a guinea pig named Elliott.  We knew Elliott would need a companion, so when we heard about another guinea pig, Chester, needing rescue, we jumped into action.  Here is Chester waiting for his snack.  Just look at that face.   
Did you know...
that Switzerland passed a law making it illegal to keep just one guinea pig?  Due to their social nature, Switzerland considers it an act of cruelty to keep one all alone.  The country not only passed this law for guinea pigs but also for goldfish.  Go, Switzerland!

We Want You To Think Dirty

No, not that kind of dirty!  Rather, think about downloading the Think Dirty app.   This app allows you to scan products in the store in order to check their chemical footprint.  It is also a good way to avoid chemicals and artificial scents that most likely are tested on animals.  It's available in both the iTunes and Google app stores.  

LWH Keeping Earth Clean

Living with Harmony recently did their part for the planet at the Vegan Dairy Fair in Boulder by volunteering to handle the trash, recycle, and compost management.  This was no easy task, but we were more than happy to spread the message about proper disposal methods and were thrilled that everyone seemed to appreciate the information and assistance.
Andrea at the Vegan Dairy Fair

Racing Extinction

This year, Living With Harmony has so far sponsored two free showings of the documentary Racing Extinction in Colorado.  Each was followed by a lecture by either John Pierre (in Denver) or Miriam (in Boulder), and a Q&A.

Racing Extinction is an important documentary that we encourage everyone to watch.  It explores the ways in which humans have accelerated the extinction of wildlife and how individuals and activists can make a difference.
Follow us on Facebook for announcements of other free film showings we will host in coming months!

LWH Sharing Knowledge for the Planet

Co-Founder John Pierre recently attended VegFest LA and gave a presentation entitled, "How To Thrive on a Vegan Diet."  This annual vegan event brings in around 150 vendors and promotes various issues which resonate with the Living With Harmony mission.  It is always an inspirational event for both vegans and non-vegans.

Gene Baur, known as the “conscience of the food movement,” is pictured below with John Pierre after the two managed to sneak in a quick workout during the event 😊
Gene Bauer and John Pierre

Upcoming Events

We are excited to say we are growing and expanding our programs. We will be presenting our “Planet-Based Living” Guidelines in more locations across the nation and are welcoming new members into our team.  Stay tuned for exciting announcements in the near future!  

Living with Harmony will be present at these upcoming events.  Please stop by and say hi!

New Mission Statement and Logo

As Living With Harmony continues to evolve, we have updated our mission statement and logo.  We hope you like them, and as always, we are very thankful to all of our supporters.
Please consider making a donation or becoming a monthly sponsor.
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Copyright © 2018 Living with Harmony. All rights reserved.
January 2019 Newsletter. 
Our mailing address is:
1750 30th St, #113, Boulder, CO 80301

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