

A go-to guide for greening your life in the most-used rooms of the household and while out and about...




- Floss: Dental Lace Dental Floss

- Dental Lace Single Pack, Vegan (Container, 2 Floss Spools)

- Vegan Refill Floss Spools (66 yards)

compostable vegan dental floss made of PLA with glass dispenser

- Toothbrush: Hippie Haven Bamboo Toothbrushes

- Kids Four Pack
- Adults Four Pack


- Fluoride-Free: Hippie Haven Tooth Powder
- Fluoride-Free: Bite Fresh Mint with Activated Charcoal
- Fluoride-Free: David’s Premium Natural Toothpaste


- Shampoo/Conditioner/Body Wash:

- Refill reusable container at a bulk store.
- Vegan bar soaps sold in stores wrapped in paper. (Trader Joes/Wholefoods)
- Humby Organics Shampoo Bar
- Humby Organics Conditioner Bar
- Ethique Eco-Friendly Solid Shampoo Bar


- DIY Deodorant

Toilet Paper: Who Gives a Crap

- 100% Recycled 3-Ply Jumbo Rolls
- Premium Bamboo Toilet Paper

Period Products:

- Menstrual Cup: Lena Menstrual Cup
- Cloth Pads: Wegreeco Bamboo Reusable Sanitary Pads

Diapers:  Alvababy Cloth Diaper, 6 pack with 12 inserts

Laundry Soap:

- Sheets Laundry Club with a drop of essential oil
- TruEarth Laundry Strip Detergent


Produce Bags:

- An option is to use no bag at all especially if you forget your bags.
- Ecowaare Reuseable Mesh Produce Bags

reusable produce bags

Grocery Bags:

- Most grocery stores carry affordable reusable bags.
- Foldable Tote Bags (Keep in your purse at all times.)

Dish Soap:

- Refill reusable container at a bulk store
- No Tox Life Dish Block Zero Waste Dish Washing Bar
- Butter Me Up Organics Dishwasher Soap


Dish Rags:

- Wash cloths

Paper Towel:

- Kitchen towels

- Who Gives a Crap Paper Towels

Reusable Sandwich Bags:

- Food containers are great for all food, including sandwiches.

- Reusable Silicone Storage Bags


- Bag-free is an option while composting, recycling, and becoming more zero-waste. Just rinse out your garbage containers with soapy water as needed. Keep an eye for a future article on backyard composting!

- Composting Trash Bag: UNNI. Read up on the environmental impact of using plastic
bags instead of compostable ones for organic waste. Keep in mind while using compostable bags for compostable waste that these bags last longer with no wet food scrap or waste and are not as strong for the obvious reason.

All-Purpose Spray Cleaner:

- DIY (½ cup white vinegar, ½ cup water, 12 drops lemon or lavender essential oil)

Eating Out:

- Reusable Bamboo Sporks. This is a small compact option for those who want to keep utensils with you at all times outside of the home. This has been particularly useful for my family when we go to festivals and don’t want to contribute to plastic waste.

- Reuse what you already have. Did you take plastic ware? Do you have metal utensils at home? Pack them up in your lunch box or bag so you don’t take more single-use plastic.

- Reusable Water Bottle. Most people have bottles at home so please use them! If you don’t, there are great glass or metal bottles that can be used for years to come. Please don’t be that person who buys bottled water or orders a free cup of water at Starbucks that comes in a disposable plastic cup. Keep a bottle on you at all times while traveling.


Are you looking for more alternatives? Do you have a favorite alternative to plastic? Please feel free to reach out and email us for more ideas at

Amber KowalowskiEntrepreneur, VeteranContributing Writer

Amber Kowalowski is an Air Force veteran, former engineer, and former CrossFit gym owner.  She received her certificate for Plant Based Nutrition from eCornell and extensively researches topics on health, fitness, and sustainability.  As an individual who went vegan for the environment, she networks with like minded people to spread the message of eco-conscious living and currently homeschools her daughter while also teaching kids about health habits for their growing bodies and the planet.

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