
Behind the LWH Logo and Mission

Our Logo and into the Core of our Mission Ahimsa The sanskrit word, Ahimsa, means to have reverence for all living things. Its core principle calls for the embracing of compassion and nonviolence by consciously not causing harm to any living being, with the understanding that the same divine energy comes back to us. Ahimsa …

Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine

Days 4 and 5 Final Update – 5 Half Marathons – 5 States – 5 Days – 4 Living With Harmony!

Hello All Day 4 is officially in the books with a time of 3:22:24.  This is the fastest time of the series so far. The race site was at Spruce Run National Recreation Area in Clinton, NJ and was 7 loops with 6 rubber bands along mostly asphalt. There were so many new faces and …

Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine