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Take Charge of Your Health with JP!

John Pierre, personal trainer and wellness coach, has dedicated the last three decades of his life to continuously learning how to best serve people in transforming their health through a combination of exercise routines, plant-based nutrition, and self love. In the courses and programs below, JP shares with you the same exercise techniques and strategies …

Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine

Bottled Water

$31,000,000,000 was spent during 2018 in the United States on bottled water. Approximately 1,500 water bottles are consumed per second in the United States. Which approximates 90,000 bottles hourly, or 2,200,000 bottles daily. It is estimated that 80% of the water bottles purchased in the United States end up in landfills. It takes about 1.4 …

Living With Harmony: Palm Oil Checklist

Composting 101

What is compost?  Compost is the world’s richest soil and is typically made in backyards.  Vegetables and plants that are grown in compost have the highest nutritional density of all foods on earth.  The healthiest human bodies come from the healthiest foods and the healthiest foods come from the healthiest soil, otherwise known as compost.  …

Ecosia: Turn Your Searches Into Trees
Footprint Calculator:  What is your footprint
Ecosia: Blue Horizon